From 10 to 14 March 2025 is Sustainability Week. Find out how you can contribute to greener care and a healthier future! Read more
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Report tip or complaint

We make every effort to help you to the best of our ability. Nevertheless, if you are not satisfied with one of our staff or with our practice, we would like to hear from you. We think it is important to discuss your complaint with you and to learn from it.

You can submit your complaint by using our complaint form, which can be found at the bottom of this page. Once we receive the completed form, we will start working on your complaint. We will contact you within a week to discuss, how we will deal with your complaint. There may be a meeting with the staff member involved or a consultation with a third party. Depending on the outcome of the consultations, we will determine in consultation what we can do for you and carry out the desired actions. We assume that we have thus dealt with the complaint to your satisfaction.

In the unlikely event that this is not the case, you can discuss the complaint with an independent complaints officer. We also submit complicated complaints to this committee. As part of the new WKKGZ Act, we as a practice have joined the DOKh complaints desk. If your complaint is not handled to your satisfaction, you may be able to appeal to a disputes committee. The disputes committee is an independent body with the task of settling disputes concerning the conduct of a healthcare provider towards a client in the context of healthcare provision. The committee consists of independent members.

More information on the disputes committee is hir find.

Visiting and postal address
DOKh Foundation Robijnstraat 6 1812 RB ALKMAAR

Contact details
T 072 - 527 91 00 (Secretariat)
T 072 - 520 83 25 (Disputes and complaints procedure)

The DOKH secretariat can be reached on weekdays from 8.30am to 4.30pm at the above phone number.

Do you have a complaint?

Please leave your message. We will try to answer it as soon as possible.

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