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Practice counsellor mental health

The Praktijkondersteuner Huisarts Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg (POH-GGZ) offers support for mental and emotional problems and is there to help you in an approachable and accessible way. The POH-GGZ works closely with the GP.

You can see the POH-GGZ if you suffer from:

  • Stress complaints or burnout
  • Anxiety or depressive symptoms
  • Sleep problems
  • Relational problems
  • Loss and mourning
  • Adaptation problems with life changes

The POH-GGZ provides tailor-made counselling and looks together with you at the best approach. This may involve short-term guidance from the POH-GGZ himself, but may also mean a referral to a psychologist or psychiatrist. Our POH-GGZ offers a trusted environment in which you can share your concerns and get the right support. You can contact the POH-GGZ via your GP.

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